Driving away in a brand-new car is a dream come true for Kaeleboga Batswadi from Kuruman who won a new Renault Clio V.
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A competion was held by Wildeklawer Sport with Absa as the main sponsor. It was part of the promotion of the Absa Wildeklawer Sport Tournament 2023 recently held in the Northern Cape capital of Kimberley.
Schools from across South Africa took part in rugby, soccer and netball in what is considered to be the biggest school tournament in Africa.
The Clio was handed over at the Renault dealership in Kimberley to her by representatives of Absa, Wildeklawer and Renault.
Seen here at the handing over, Darius Viljoen (DP at Morgan Renault Kimberley), Dirk Mokgele (Head of Absa Vehicle and Asset Finance: Central Region), Kealeboga Batswadi (winner) and Cassie Carstens (Wildeklawer).Dirk Mokgele (Head of Absa Vehicle and Asset Finance: Central Region) with the winner of the Renault Clio, Kealeboga Batswadi.
The crime stats for quarter three of last year (October to December) were recently released, and although vehicle related crimes show a decrease in most areas, it still remains very high, says MasterDrive. Other areas, however, saw increases, including the carjacking of business-owned vehicles.
Pass Competence has added a new tool to its box of training solutions that could benefit vehicle dealerships. The company, specialising in training and compliance with an international footprint, now offers E-Learning as part of its training capacity.
The crime stats for quarter three of last year (October to December) were recently released, and although vehicle related crimes show a decrease in most areas, it still remains very high, says MasterDrive. Other areas, however, saw increases, including the carjacking of business-owned vehicles.
Motus, the JSE-listed integrated automotive business, says the trading environment, including the automotive sector, is expected to remain challenging owing to ongoing economic pressures in its geographies.
At NADA Connect 2025, Dr Jay van Zyl, a South African-born computational social scientist, delivered an enlightening talk on the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive retail industry.