AMEO represents motor manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Nissan, Toyota and Volkswagen, while NUMSA is the country’s biggest union with over 400 000 members.
According to the deal that was signed at the National Bargaining Forum, the workers will receive the 8.5% increase in the first year followed by a 7% increase in both the second and third year of the three-year deal, which will be valid until 30 June 2025.
In addition, each employee will also receive a taxable one-off gratuity payment of R10 000.
The union said that workers could expect back pay from July to September at the end of this month.
In August, NUMSA rejected AMEO’s offer of a 6.2% increase in year one, followed by an increase of 5.6% in year two and 4.7% in year three.
In the statement NUMSA released to announce the agreement, they said that it was “significant that we have maintained the standard for the sake of workers and their families, when other unions are encouraging members to sign agreements and settle with (sic) 3%”.