The effect of “Stock Days” on sales profitability & returns

I am not sure that the true effect of stock holding is often appreciated when it comes to the financial performance of your vehicle departments. The model below is simplified as it is meant to show the effect of stock levels on financial performance.

Donald Christy 2

As a result, I have assumed that the stock is 100% funded and that overheads are 60% of GP. All values in light, cursive type with the *asterisk in front, are inputs which can be changed if you want to use your own numbers in this model.

I have included both Return on Sales and Return on Investment in the analysis as they are both relevant measures. Return on Sales is the profit on the vehicle retained after deducting all overheads and interest expressed as a percentage. Return on Investment is the profit on vehicle retained as a percentage of the cost of the vehicle expressed as an annualised percentage – much like the interest you would earn on your bank account.

I don’t think the numbers need too much explanation as they speak for themselves. Given the risk, investment and effort required to run “vehicle sales” it is almost not worth being in the business with a stock holding over 45 days. This model can be applied to individual vehicles which hopefully shows what overage stock really does cost you.

Stock Days





Interest Rate





Monthly Units





Ave Sales Price/Unit

*R500 000

*R500 000

*R500 000

*R500 000


R460 000

R460 000

R460 000

R460 000

Overhead % of GP










Stock Holding as per Stock Days

R18 400 000

R27 600 000

R36 800 000

R55 200 000

Monthly Interest

R151 233

R226 849

R302 466

R453 699

Interest Per Vehicle

R3 781

R5 671

R7 562

R11 342

GP/Unit Pre Int

R40 000

R40 000

R40 000

R40 000

GP/Unit After Int

R36 219

R34 329

R32 438

R28 658

GP% After Int





Overhead /Unit

R24 000

R24 000

R24 000

R24 000

Net Profit/Unit

R12 219

R10 329

R8 438

R4 658

Return on Sales





Return on Investment





Dept NOP/Year

R5 865 205

R4 957 808

R4 050 411

R2 235 616

If you would like the Excel spreadsheet to input your own numbers or if you have any questions or comments, please WhatsApp me on 0827761887.

  • Dealerfloor ( and I will be publishing regular articles on dealership efficiency. I am really looking forward to sharing ideas with you. Join the conversation by sending a WhatsApp to 082-776-1887 to be added to our group.

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